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Research News

Sejong University to Step Up as a Leading Educational Platform for Space Technology

2022.05.12 5455

With the ‘New Space’ era just around the corner, R&D demands of space industry from both private and public sector are soaring. Amid the growing needs for skilled space technicians, Sejong University was recently awarded two government projects designed to pump up spatial technology professionals. 

‘Education Center for Future Space Technology’ project of the Ministry of Science and ICT is designed to nurture researchers in the field of future spatial technology. In line with the project objective, Sejong University will take its part in vitalizing the space-tech industry, especially in space navigation and satellite technology.

Meanwhile, ‘National Defense Industry Department’ Project of the Ministry of National Defense focuses on the future of national defense in the space era. The university organized ‘National Defense & Space Engineering’ department, and will train professionals specialized in technologies for national space defense, such as space launch vehicles, space surveillance, satellite navigation technologies.

President Bae says, “With the two major projects in the space-tech fields, Sejong University looks forward to resolving the labor shortage issues in the national space industry.”

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