



College of Business & Economics

Educating the principles of business management required by the modern industrial society, and fostering talented individuals with scientific and rational minds that will lead future business education

Office Location
Gwanggaeto-gwan, Room 809


The College of Business and Economics aims to cultivate business and economics-related skills that assist with the education in the field of business and economics. In order to achieve this goal, comprehensive theories and techniques in business and economics, which are required by today's industrial society, will be provided for the students The College of Business and Economics provides various curriculums in order to foster the tudents’ practical decision-making abilities and research skills. The department offers detailed theories and practices in the field of business and economics, which will also ssist with the development of their creative thinking capabilities and insights as future professionals. In order to reach the college's educational goals, each major offers diverse courses, which are introduced below in the curriculum, that deliver concrete, practical, and sophisticated education, which include theory lectures that use original English textbooks. The College of Business and Economics also provides discussion-centered lectures, which are based on case-studies and special lectures, and it invites well-known business leaders from the actual business world and provides field trip lectures. In addition, the college fully supports and encourages student volunteer activities, club activities, and academic activities, which thereby helps them to grow as human beings who are healthy in both body and mind and are well-rounded and balanced as intellectuals.

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Educational Goals

  • 1

    Assist the students to become wholesome members of the business society.

  • 2

    Foster creative talents with both qualities and abilities

Career Path after Graduation

The graduates from the College of Business and Economics have taken various and productive career paths. The paths that are taken by them include government organizations, government-funded institutions, state-owned companies, business firms, local governmental organizations, business associations, and education/research facilities. Also, the students who pursue a master’s degrees or PhD’s at the college’s graduate schools are dedicated to their research and teach at colleges and research institutes nationwide. They are committed to their educational mission for the organic cooperation between academia and the business world.