



Department of Franchise Management and Hotels, Restaurants, and Tourism

Office Location
Gwanggaeto-gwan, Room 817


The Department of Food Service Management aims to educate and train talented people who will be leaders in the future food service industry, which is regarded as one of the industries in Korea that is strategically important. In this program, the students will learn all aspects of the food service industry. They will develop skills in regards to leadership and management, critical thinking, problem solving, and other essential skills that are needed in order to manage any type of food service business.

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Educational Goals

  • 1

    Educate professional leaders with expertise and the practical skills that are required in the food service industry, which will be a highly valuable industry in the future.

  • 2

    Train qualified personnel in order to be equipped with service-oriented minds, which are necessary in food service industry, which includes hotels, theme parks, institutional food services, and leisure companies.

  • 3

    Conduct real case-based education that links theory with practice by operating a cooking laboratory as well as promoting education and research via various curriculums.

  • 4

    Encourage the students to have internship experiences in the food industry in order to better understand the industry and have job experiences, which provides more job opportunities.

Career Path after Graduation

Graduates from the Department of Food and Service Management usually work in diverse fields, such as hotels, resorts, theme parks, institutional food services, and leisure & event companies. In addition, it is possible for the graduates to have global experiences abroad via an internship program that is provided by the department. The department’s various exchange programs with many international schools will also prove helpful in order to obtain employment abroad.

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