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How to Apply for Graduate School of Special Studies for Spring 2022

2021.10.25 554

2022학년도 전기 특수대학원(공공정책대학원융합예술대학원산업대학원교육대학원외국인 전형 지원 방법 관련하여 다음과 같이 안내하오니많은 지원 바랍니다.


1. 모집요강 및 제출서류 양식

공공정책대학원 (http://eng.sejong.ac.kr/contents/eng/cor/aguidelines.html)

융합예술대학원 (http://sejong.ac.kr/admission/convention_inter_42.html)

산업대학원 (http://sejong.ac.kr/admission/convention_inter_41.html)

교육대학원 (http://sejong.ac.kr/admission/convention_inter_43.html)


2. 지원서 작성하기

- 입학안내 홈페이지에 게재된 Offline Application Form 작성 후 기타 제출서류와 함께 세종대학교 국제교류센터에 제출해주세요(모집기간모집학과제출서류 등 자세한 사항은 대학원 별 모집요강 참고)

- 첨부된 샘플 신청서 양식을 참고하여정확한 정보를 기재 바랍니다특히지원하는 대학원학과전공까지 정확하게 기재해야 합니다. (예시융합예술대학원-공연예술학과-연기)

- 서류 제출과 함께 전형료(120,000)가 입금되어야 원서 접수가 완료됩니다. (전형료납부 계좌 모집요강 참고)


3. 서류 제출 주소(등기 우편 또는 직접 방문하여 제출)

<세종대학교 국제교류센터>

(우편번호 05006) 서울특별시 광진구 능동로209 세종대학교 국제교류센터(학생회관 209)


Center for International Students and Scholars, Sejong University, 209 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea 05006


※ 서류 제출 기간 내에 서류가 도착해야만 접수가 가능합니다.

※ 지원 서류와 함께 전형료 결제 영수증을 함께 제출 바랍니다.


Application method for Spring 2022 Graduate School of Special Studies (Graduate School of Public Policy, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Arts, Graduate School of Industry, and Graduate School of Education) is announced as below. 


1. Admission Guidelines and Forms

Graduate School of Public Policy: http://eng.sejong.ac.kr/contents/eng/cor/aguidelines.html

Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Arts: http://sejong.ac.kr/admission/convention_inter_42.html

Graduate School of Industry: http://sejong.ac.kr/admission/convention_inter_41.html

Graduate School of Education: http://sejong.ac.kr/admission/convention_inter_43.html


2. How to Apply

- Download and fill out the Offline Application Form uploaded on the admission page above. After filling out the form, submit it with other admission documents to the CISS Office of Sejong University. (Kindly refer to the admission guidelines for details on the admission timeline, departments, majors, documents, etc.)

- Please check the attached sample offline application form, and make sure to fill out the accurate applicant information. Pay attention to the graduate school, department, and major of the applicant’s choice when filling out the application form. (ex. Graduate of Public Policy – Global Affairs – Global Affairs)

- Along with submitting the admission document, the application fee (KRW 120,000) must also be paid for successful application. (The information on the account for application fee payment is explained in the admission guidelines.)


3. Submission of Required Documents

<세종대학교 국제교류센터>

(우편번호 05006) 서울특별시 광진구 능동로209 세종대학교 국제교류센터(학생회관 209)


Center for International Students and Scholars, Sejong University, 209 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea 05006


※ Application packet must arrive at SJU CISS within the document submission period.

※ Make sure to submit the transfer receipt of your application fee with the documents.


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