


Life at Sejong


A prestigious global university that fosters Sejong-type talent who challenges creative thinking and communicates with the world.


Job/Career Session for inernational students

2019.09.17 391

There will be three Job/ sessions for international students in September.

Apply for the attendance here.  https://forms.gle/YefUEPtYjuBTZEJ47

- all Graduate and Undergraduate international stduetns

- Date : 2019.9.24 (Vietnamese) /2019.9.26(English)/2019.9.30(Chinese)

- Time : 10am to 2 pam

- Venue : Global Lounge

- Job and Career trend in Korea, personal consulting (if you have your resume, bring it)

다음과 같이 유학생들을 위한 취업 설명회를 개최예정이니 많은 참가를 부탁드립니다. (참가신청 필수!)   https://forms.gle/YefUEPtYjuBTZEJ47

- 대상유학생(학부생, 대학원생 모두)

- 일시 : 2019.9.24 (베트남어) /2019.9.26(영어)/2019.9.30(중국어)

- 시간 : 10~2

- 장소 : 학생회관 2층 글로벌라운지

- 주요내용 : 미래한국과 직장생활, 채용트랜드, 개인상담

* 이력서가 있는 학생은 이력서 가져오세요

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