


Life at Sejong


A prestigious global university that fosters Sejong-type talent who challenges creative thinking and communicates with the world.


Application for Readmission for Spring 2025 (International Students)

2024.12.06 1500

Application for Readmission for Spring 2025 (International Students)


For any students who were expelled from the university for the reasons of either voluntary withdrawal, non-registration, not returning to the university, or due to unavoidable circumstances, please apply for readmission if you would like to get readmitted to the university for the Spring semester 2025.


- Notes -


1. Eligibility: Any students who were expelled from the university for the reasons of either voluntary withdrawal, non-registration, not returning to the university


2. Restriction: Any students who were expelled from school due to misconduct and dropped out of school during their first semester are not allowed to be readmitted.


3. Application Period: 12.2~13


4. Procedure

Application form for readmission distribution

(Download the form from the notification on readmission page on the SJU homepage)

Fill out the form and sign it (student)

Obtain a signature from the head professor of students own department/Dean of college

Submit the completed readmission form

(One Stop Service Center)


5. Required documents: Application form for readmission (see the Attachment), Transcript (one of each), Certificate of Balance(more than $20,000 under your name), Certificate of Entry&Exit


6. Document submission: One Stop Service Center (Room#202, Student Union Building // (Open: 10:00A.M ~ 5:00P.M.)


7. Announcement for successful candidates: Feb 5th (Expected) (Only successful candidates will be contacted.)


8. Course registration period: In Feb 2025

=> The dates differ each academic year, so it is highly recommended that students check their academic year.


9. Tuition payment period: In Feb 2025


10. Notes

- Any students whose readmission is granted must complete course registration and tuition payment within the designated dates. If they do not pay the tuition fees, their readmission will be canceled.

- A general leave of absence is not allowed in the first semester of readmission.

- Please fill out the application form for readmission, obtain a signature from the head professor of the department and dean of the college and finally submit the completed form to One Stop Service Center.

** Inquiries: Office of the Registrar/International office


Dean of Academic Affairs

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